Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

Core Clinical Training V year

Core Clinical Training (CCT) covers three areas:

Documents available for each CCT

  • Syllabus
  • Organization of the period and typical day
  • Safety instructions and related self-assessment survey

Registration procedure

CCT registration through Studenti Online platform is required (only V year students).

Students “Fuori corso” have to send an email to “Ufficio Tirocini” ( and  the DIMEVET CCT coordinator, prof. Andrea Balboni ( to communicate the CCT and the period in which they intend to attend it.

NB: Registration for CCT activities must be carried out by the 15th of the previous month. To register, students (including “fuori corso”) must have verbalized the preparatory exams as detailed in the study plan.

Useful material for the students involved in CCT

Obligations of the students involved in CCT

In addition to the requirements for each specific CCT (see document of "organization of period and typical day"), the student must compulsorily, before the start of each CCT:

  • read the safety instructions
  • fill in the self-assessment survey that verifies the assessment of the of the safety procedure