Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

Possible problems: how can solve them?

Do you have a problem? Here some helpful information to assist you in resolving it.

If you are a student and you are facing administrative issues (for example: problems in founding a recorded exam, need to choose optional courses, problems with fee payments, etc.), you can contact:

-Student Administration Office

-Teaching Services

 If you are a student with specific learning disabilities, health issues/disabilities, or any other personal problem, you can contact the Degree Programme Tutor as well as the Coordinator for students with disabilities and SLD.

If you have a problem related to issues of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, you can contact the department representative.

For other issues related to your course of study, you can contact the student representative of your year. They will gather your concerns and present them to the year coordinator. If a solution cannot be found in this way, the year coordinator will bring your problem to the discussion in the academic committee.