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Chemical and Process Engineering

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0n 27 September, join us at the European Researchers' Night

European Researchers' Night in Bologna and in Romagna Campuses will be enlivened by experiments, demonstrations, meetings, exhibitions, and much more. Be inspired by the magic of science!

Are you thinking of applying for the flexible study path?

If you have any questions or concerns, join the online sessions organized to present the program and clarify its features.


Number of Guests allowed at the October 2024 Graduation Session

Second call for Application

Scholarships for research periods abroad for the preparation or in-depth studies of the final examination

Join the Field Work programme

You can spend an international mobility carrying out “field work” activities at NGOs (non-governmental organisations) or other actors active in development cooperation.

Integrate your university studies with transferable skills

Acquire knowledge and skills that can enhance your workplace relationships. You can enrol in the transferable skills courses — free and online — until 7 October.

from 28 Aug to 27 Sep 2024

Waiting for European Researchers' Night: guided tours and AperiScienza

In the run-up to the night dedicated to research, the city comes alive with numerous initiatives to promote science and culture.