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Media Mutations 7

dal 26 maggio 2015 al 27 maggio 2015

Bologna, Dipartimento delle Arti, Salone Marescotti

MEDIA MUTATIONS 7 – Space Invaders. The impact of digital games in contemporary media ecosystems.

May 26th and 27th 2015.
International conference organized by Riccardo Fassone, Paolo Noto, and Claudio Pires Franco.
Keynote speakers: Tanya Krzywinska (University of Falmouth) and Geoffrey Long (Annenberg Innovation Lab, University of Southern California)

Tuesday, May 26

10.00 Greetings and introduction

10.30 AESVI4DEV at Media Mutations (in collaboration with the Italian Association of Game Publishers and Developers)

Ivan Venturi (IV Productions), Narrativa nei videogiochi in prima e terza persona: l’Inquisitore e gli Occhi dallo Spazio Profondo.
Luca Marchetti and Federico Semeraro (Studio Evil), RELIVE, quando video games, università e medici si incontrano.
Pietro Polsinelli (Design A Game), Videogiochi salvifici e diabolici.
Alain Bonati (, Gamified E-learning & Scenario-Based Learning anche per cambiare i comportamenti.

12.30 Lunch Break

15.00 Keynote address

Tanya Krzywinska (University of Falmouth), Weird Invasions: Games and The Conspiracy Hermeneutic Affect.

16.30 Interactions between film and games

Nathan Hunt (University of Derby), Persistent aesthetics and utilitarian antagonists: the pleasures and uses of the zombie in digital games.
Federico Zecca (Università di Udine), The film game and the playful cinema.
Dom Holdaway (Università di Bologna), Generic Convergence: Humour and the Swashbuckler Experience in Pirates of the Caribbean and Monkey Island.

18.00 Journals and projects presentations

Wednesday, May 27

9.30 Keynote address

Geoffrey Long (Annenberg Innovation Lab, University of Southern California), 21st Century Storytelling: From Transmedia to the New Screens.

11.00 Playing games in the media ecosystems

Gabriele Baronio (Università di Bologna), TwitchPlays: invasione controllata di spazi digitali.
Andrea Giovannucci (Università di Bologna), Il LARP nel mondo digitale: contaminazione nei linguaggi ludici.
Alberto Sebastiani (Università di Bologna), Nicolas Eymerich inquisitore.

12.30 Lunch Break

14.30 Studying games in the media ecosystems

Hartmut Koenitz (University of Georgia) and Gabriele Ferri (Indiana University), Mutations of narrative structures.
Lisa Patti (Hobart and William Smith Colleges), In(ter)activity and Identification: Video Games and Digital Portraiture.
Mattia Thibault (Università di Torino), From the periphery to the heart of thesemiosphere.

16.00 Playful marketing

Stephanie Janes (Royal Holloway), Gamification in Film Marketing.
Ed Vollans (University of Eaast Anglia), Games on screen: The videogame trailer as advert then trailer.
Giacomo Di Foggia (Università di Bologna), La gamification di sé.

17.45 Final remarks

Peppino Ortoleva (Università di Torino)