what are and how to fulfill them
To enrol to a Degree Program some basic knowledge is needed. The verification of personal preparation is well detailed in the Webpage Admission, and it has the objective to verify that there are no significant deficiencies in particular disciplines.
If students’ particular difficulties emerge from the verification, the student is able to enrol to the Degree Program conditionally to the accomplishment to some activities, called Additional Educational Obligations (OFA).
To be aware of the assignment of the OFA, the student should access to its career and verify whether, among the exam to be taken it appear: "Essenziali competenze logico-matematiche".
Whether an OFA has been assigned in the first year of enrolment, in the following years the student will be enrolled:
In order to pass the OFA, the student will have to attend a course held by a tutor and pass the the exam. The tutor will held two courses, one during the first semester and another durng the second semester. The student can choose to attend one of the two courses.
The attendance to the course is compulsory for at least five lessons out of seven. Further absences need to be promptly motivated with an official documentation such as a medical certificate or an employer declaration.
If the student does not meet the attendance requirement, he/she cannot access to the final exam to pass the OFA.
Important: in alternative, students that will PASS all the exam of the First Year by 31st March, will be considered exempted by the OFA final exam.
For students enroled in the Academic Year 23/24 the deadline for passing the OFA is 31/03/2025.
Rules and deadlines are valid also for student choosing the flexible program
For students enroled in the Academic Year 24/25 the deadline for passing the OFA is 31/03/2026.
To pass the OFA the student must attend a course held by Alessandro Gesuato and pass the final test. For further information see the webpage of the Professor.
OFA Exam: remember that to take the test the attendance requirement is needed (at least 70% of attendance)
Lessons will be held online by Prof. Alessandro Gesuato.
The Teams room can be reached with the code: v4accni
Otherwise using the following link: LinkTeams
21 and 28 February 2025: 3-7 p.m.
7 March 2025: 3-7 p.m.
21 March 2025: 3-5 p.m. (exam)
16/1/2024 h 11
14/2/2024 h 14
AlmaMathematica is a project of University of Bologna, coordianted by the Mathematics Department and to the E-Learning Sector, that aims at improving the mathematical preparation of future students in the transition phase from secondary school to the university.
It is addressed to Unibo enroled students that have particular deficiencies in mathematical knowledge. They can prepare the exam, excercise online and enter the Community of AlmaMathematica.