Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Forlì First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in International studies

Programme enrolment: requirements, deadlines and methods

General information on admission requirements
Admission to the first cycle degree/bachelor programme requirespossession of a secondary school diploma awarded after five years of study or aforeign… Read more

PAY ATTENTION: For 2024/25 selection, TOLC@HOME is considered valid only if it has been taken in 2023. In 2024 only TOLC@UNI taken at any university in presence is considered valid.

The first intake is open to EU candidates and non-EU candidates with EU equivalent status.

In the second intake the entry test will be SAT.

The second intake is open to EU candidates, non-EU candidates with EU equivalent status and to Non-EU candidates residing abroad.

English TOLC-E

English TOLC-E is the entry test of the first intake.

English TOLC-E structure and syllabus at the following link

Please check available dates of English Tolc-E at the following link

SAT is the entry test of the second intake.

SAT stands for "Scholastic Assessment Test" and it is a test in English managed by College Board.

You can take the test in different locations all over the world. Each test date and venue has limited capacity. Make sure you register at your earliest convenience to be included as a test taker at you preferred location.

Tuition Fee Amounts

Tuition fees are calculated based on the 2024 ISEE value with special subsidies in relation to the right to higher education. First year students with an ISEE of less than or equal to € 27,000. Above this limit, tuition fees are calculated progressively.

The ISEE value must be submitted, even if you have not enrolled in the Degree Programme, by 30 October 2024, at 6:00pm (or by 15 November 2024, at 6:00pm, paying a 100 € penalty) accessing ER-GO Online Services, alternatively you will have to pay the full amount.

If you are an international student, verify how your tuition fees will be calculated according to your country of origin and the country where your family has income and assets.

Read all information about tuition fees and exemptions.


After you have checked that all the admission requirements have been met, you can enrol on  Studenti Online:

  1. fill in the application for matriculation with the required information and attach a passport photo in digital format;
  2. pay the first instalment of your tuition fees;
  3. follow the instructions to complete the procedure which you will find on Studenti Online according to your profile.