Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Environmental Engineering

The opportunities offered by an international degree programme

Attend your 2nd year abroad and get two Master's Degree!

Participation in the Dual Degree programme implies that, at the end of the programme, students obtain not only a degree from the University of Bologna, but also the academic qualification from the university where they have obtained learning credits.

If you are enrolled in the first year of the Masters Programme in Earth Resources Engineering and you are willing to take part in a Double Degree programme, you need to pass a selection procedure. Your stay abroad may last one or two terms, according to the agreements made with the partner Universities.

You will be required to follow a specific study plan on the basis of the Correspondance Tables agreed with the partner Universities.

During your mobility, you will continue paying tuition fees at the University of Bologna and you will be exempted from paying tuition fees at the host university.

Three joint education Master Programmes are available for ERE students:

- University of Miami (USA);

- Université de Liège (Belgium);

- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland.

Although all DD programmes are activated, the number of participating students may vary every year.