Internships are learning activities that allow students to obtain credits, acquire practical skills, and make initial contact with the world of work.
Internships are usually carried out on the basis of an agreement between the University of Bologna and the host structure (company, public body, professional firm, etc.), and an internship agreement.
In the case, the internship is autonomously found by students (so-called "extra-curricular internship") there is a specific process to follow for the recognition of working activity.
In the following sections, you can find the information about the correct process to start an internship, and the different available options in order to carry out your internship (curricular, extra-curricular, Erasmus+, Fieldwork, Maeci-Crui).
To take part in an internship, you have to be enrolled and be in your second year of the study programme.
The process could start from the spring/summer preceding your second year of the study programme, depending on the following options' criteria and deadline, but the internship itself MUST start in or after October, once the second year is officially started.
However, if you manage to autonomously find an internship (so-called "extra-curricular internship") already during your first year of study, you can ask for the recognition of this activity by following the instructions under the section “extra-curricular internship”.
Course on health and safety
Before the start of an CURRICULAR internship, all students are asked to have attended the course on health and safety in study and internship areas. The course, structured in 2 modules, is available on-demand on VIRTUALE.
I-CONTACT Students may choose 3 types of Internships:
The 150 hours internship is the only one available for those students attending workshops (for more information see the dedicated page HERE.), whereas the 200 hours internship is mandatory for students not attending workshops.
Type E internship is always available for students wishing to carry out an internship abroad that is propaedeutic to their final dissertation.
Curricular internships are carried out within an agreement between the University and the hosting institution. Most of the positions are in Italy and in Emilia-Romagna, but there might be some positions abroad thanks to national and international agreements.
Via StudentiOnline you can access the “Internship” OR “Tirocini” section. Here you can find:
If a student is interested in a company/institution/ NGO that has not yet an agreement with Unibo, he/she may propose them to enter into an agreement. This process can last around two months, and the student will need to put the hosting institution in contact with the Unibo Internship Office. If they are not interested in the agreement or they cannot enter it, it is still possible to follow the process under the option “Extra-curricular internship”.
If you have found an offer or a hosting institution you are interested in, please use the step-by-step guide on: internship activation, offers, spontaneous applications, approval and conclusion. You can find it here: LINK
REMEMEBER: after the approval by the Internship Committee, curricular internships can be carried out at any time of the year, but must be completed within 6 months of their starting date.
Erasmus+ Mobility for traineeships is the EU-promoted student mobility programme which gives students a chance to broaden their vocational and training curriculum by working abroad in any public sector company or a private commercial enterprise located in European countries that have joined the Erasmus+ Programme.
The duration of traineeships under this programme is from 2 to 6 months and students may receive an EU grant up to a maximum of 3 months.
Students may apply for Erasmus+ Mobility for Traineeship and have it recognized in the study plan as a Type D, E, F. Students could also combine within one mobility asking for recognition for two internships in type D and F (14 credits).
The Call for the Erasmus+ Mobility for Traineeship is usually released in March or April. Find more information HERE.
IMPORTANT: Within the Erasmus+ Mobility for Traineeship framework it is not possible to carry out an internship in: EU institutions, EU Specialized Agencies, Organisations operating EU programmes (to avoid conflicts of interest and/or double funding). Find the complete list here:
POSTGRADUATE INTERNSHIP ABROAD (within the Erasmus+ mobility framework): can be carried out within 12 months from graduation. If you would like to carry out a postgraduate internship abroad, you have to plan it well in advance. For instance, if you plan to graduate in March 2024, you must apply for Erasmus+ grant in Spring 2023 as a student. After you graduate, you will have no longer the rights to apply to the Erasmus call.
The Fieldwork Call offers an opportunity for students wishing to undertake an internship (Type D or E) or a research period for their final dissertation abroad (Type F), specifically in countries selected by the Organisation for Cooperation and Economic Development,
Students may consult the Call where the available positions in NGOs or other organisations engaged in development projects and apply only for one of them through the AlmaRM portal. Please note that not all positions are open to I-CONTACT students.
The fieldwork has a duration of a minimum 2 months and a maximum of 6 months.
Find more information here.
This internship opportunity is provided by Crui Foundation and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and it is restricted to students holding Italian citizenship. The destinations for the Maeci-Crui internships are Embassies, Consulates and Italian Institutes of Culture belonging to the Italian diplomatic network.
The internship has a minimum duration of 3 months (extendable for a maximum of four months in total) and 400 hours. Usually, three calls a year are released.
The Maeci-Crui can be recognized in the study plan as 1 internship (6 or 8 CFUs, not both), or as an extra-activity for 16 CFUs. Please note that in any case this internship has a minimum duration of 400 hours.
Find more information here.
You can apply for recognition of a work or extra-university activity instead of an internship:
Since an extra-curricular activity is recognized only after the end of the activity, Unibo is not able to provide insurance cover.
To apply for recognition, it is necessary to deliver to the Student Secretariat (by making an appointment writing to ):
The request for recognition is evaluated by the competent deliberative Committee, elected by the Degree Programme Board. The outcome of the assessment is communicated by the Student Secretariat within 60 days after submission of the request. If successful, the internship is registered in the career without meeting the student.
The University of Bologna guarantees to its students a full insurance benefit against accidents at work and third-party liability claims. These policies are provided by insurance companies specialised in the sector.
In the event of travel to locations or structures not indicated in the approved curricular internship programme, you can request an extension of the insurance cover - even during the internship - on condition that the travel concerned is consistent with the objectives of the internship. Your company/organization tutor will have to send an email to the Internship office stating the date of the travel. Note that you will need to be accompanied by him/her or by a representative and you are not allowed to use your own means of transport.
Insurance cover applies to all internships options, except for the extra-curricular one.
In the "informative session" folder, there is the recording of the specific online session about internship
Internships info session 06.11.2024
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for guidance on choosing an internship that fits your academic path (not for administrative issues).
How can we help you: Activate and manage a curricular internship or one for the preparation for the final dissertation, in Italy and abroad, outside of international mobility programmes.
Phone +39 0544 936959; +39 0544 936286 Orario telefonico Monday 9am-12pm Tuesday 2-3:30pm Wednesday 9am-12pm Thursday 2-3:30pm Friday 9am-12pm
Address Via Alfredo Baccarini 27 - 48121 Ravenna RA Orario apertura al pubblico
Other information Schedule via email an in-person reception.