Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Horticultural Science

International mobility

The University of Bologna promotes international exchange and offers to enrolled students several mobility opportunities for study and traineeship abroad.

The University of Bologna promotes international exchange and offers to enrolled students several mobility opportunities for study and traineeship abroad through various programmes: Erasmus+ Study for study mobility, Erasmus+ Placement for traineeship mobility, Overseas and Erasmus Mundus for non-European mobility.

Please note that, starting from the academic year 2015/16, international mobilty for students enrolled in the IMAHS programme, won't be compulsory. By the way, due to the international background of the degree programme, we encourage students to take an experience abroad. These experiences could be carried out through several programmes, check out the following ones:


The Erasmus+ Programme offers you the chance to spend from three to twelve months of your university career studying in another European country. As an Erasmus+ student, you can attend courses, sit exams and earn credits for your studies and you will receive economical support. Check this page to get more information.

The Department of Agriculture and Food Science, has set up various Erasmus+ bilateral agreements with many european universities.

Please note that, due to the different academic offer of some of our partners, some of the universities listed at the previous link may not accept students enrolled in the International Degree in Horticultural Science. When the call is published, visit the partner university website and get in touch with the UNIBO academic coordinator for that specific Exchange you are interested in.


The Overseas programme is run and funded entirely by the University of Bologna and is the result of collaboration agreements signed by the University with other universities in countries outside the European Union. Check this page to get more information.


The Department of Agriculture and Food Science issues calls for applications for scholarship to pursue research abroad connected with your final thesis. Please read carefully the information here.