EMOS and RSS accreditation
By the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC) and by the Royal Statistical Society.
The programme, with its double qualification, teaches you how to transform data into useful information for supporting decision-making processes in companies and public institutions. It is split into three specialised tracks: data science, official statistics, and health and socio-demographic phenomena. It's accredited by the Royal Statistical Society and the European Statistical System Committee.
In the courses common to the three pathways, you will study advanced topics in the fields of mathematics, probability and statistics. Other courses include survival analysis, machine learning techniques, methods for analysing big data, and official socio-economic and health statistics. Statistical software plays a particularly important role in this programme.
The programme includes study mobility schemes within the framework of the Erasmus + and Overseas exchanges, as well as internships and scholarships for thesis completion abroad. If you follow the Data Science pathway, you can spend a semester at Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) and obtain a degree in Computational Science from USI.
You will learn the methods necessary for the rigorous study of random real phenomena and the resolution of complex problems characterised by uncertainty.
You will possess the skills required in the labour market for the roles of data scientist, biostatistician, demographer, official statistics expert.
You will gain advanced knowledge and skills in data analysis in one of the largest university departments of statistics in the world.
You will attend the only second-cycle degree programme in statistics currently accredited by the Royal Statistical Society in Italy.
Once you have obtained your degree, you can apply for recognition as a graduate statistician by the Royal Statistical Society.
My experience in the Degree Programme has been very positive! The Master offers a good balance between the theoretical contents and the focus on practical applications and I had the opportunity to tailor my study plan to best suit my interests. This course gave me the right background to start a PhD degree.
Marco Palma, graduate
71% International students and students not residing in the region
66% Graduates aligned to the exam schedule
31% Graduates with experience abroad
73% Graduates satisfied with their studies
89% Graduates who are working
12% Graduates who are not working but are studying or not looking for work
-1% Graduates who are not working but looking for work
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