Our Master's degree in Economics provides rigorous training in economics and econometrics, combining research methods with practical research experience. Students will learn to analyze and solve complex problems for governments, research centers, international agencies, central banks, financial institutions and all private and public firms whose activity requires experienced quantitative profiles. LMEC (previous LM(EC)2 name) graduates will be prepared for a successful career as economists/econometricians and for admission to the best PhD programs worldwide.
The extensive use of quantitative tools will underpin theoretical and empirical approaches, providing the students with the skills to undertake independent research projects, to understand and analyze major current economic issues and policies, and to act as consultant in private and public institutions. Graduates will be able to address - consistently with the specific skills acquired in the chosen study plan - challenges such as: forecast of macroeconomic and financial variables, the quantitative analysis of financial markets and financial decision making, the empirics behind the strategic behavior of firms and consumers, the evaluation of programs in labor markets, education and development.
Placement of graduates in recent years can be found here.
The Faculty mainly belongs to the Department of Economics of the University of Bologna, which ranks 1st among public Italian universities, according to international rankings in economics and econometrics. Professors are experts in the field and highly committed to the continuous improvement of the quality of the programme. Visiting professors from North American and European universities regularly offer short topics courses especially designed for our programme.
Students will be guided throughout the duration of the programme, undert close supervision by academics of international reputation. Our Department, one of the leading research center in economics in Italy, offers weekly seminars in theoretical and applied economics, the opportunity to interact with a large number of short-term and long-term visitors, and several international workshops.
We bring together a small class of talented and motivated students coming from different parts of Italy and the world and gradually expose them to increasingly sophisticated methods and techniques and to frontier research in different fields of economics and econometrics. The environment is challenging but friendly and interactions among peers are strongly encouraged throught group work in the classroom and Alumni relations.
Feedback from former students can be found here.
Bologna is one of Italy’s most attractive cities, well known for its high standard of living and lively atmosphere. Also, the University of Bologna provides a lively and stimulating environment for study and research and extensive international mobility opportunities within the Erasmus + and Overseas programmes. In particular, LM(EC)2 has established some dedicated Erasmus exchange programmes, a semester abroad programme at Berkeley and a double degree scheme with SAIS Johns Hopkins University: more info here and here.