Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in East european and eurasian studies

MAiA - Mirees Alumni International Association

Find out more about MAiA and our Alumni

In 2012, a group of enthusiast MIREES graduates, with the support of the MIREES universities, funded MAiA, the official MIREES Alumni International Association.

The purpose of MAiA is to serve as a solid platform to link the former students among themselves and to their alma mater, to support exchange of expertise and career achievements between MIREES graduates, to back internships and employment opportunities, as well as to support MIREES development, promotion and dissemination worldwide.  Since 2014, MAiA has been an associate partner of the MIREES consortium.

MAiA is open to all MIREES graduates, who are Members of the Association and enjoy full affiliation and election rights. Members are regularly updated about developments and ongoing projects through MAiA official newsletter and social media.

MAiA welcomes the active collaboration of MIREES graduates and offers the opportunity to become Active Members. Active members are directly involved in MAiA projects, and to apply for internships and part-time collaborations. If you are interested, sign up in here.

Building on the work done since 2013, MAiA presentes a solid agenda of goals for the mandate 2020 - 2023. to the MIREES international faculty a solid agenda of goals, divided in three pillars:

  1. Actively foster and cultivate MIREES community worldwide
  2. Create and share opportunities for MIREES alumni
  3. Establish structured partnerships with current and new stakeholders

During the first two years of the this mandate, MAiA launched and realised several projects, among which:

  • the second Alumni census;
  • surveyaimed at Alumni to learn their expectations from MAiA, the University of Bologna and Partner Universities as well as collect proposals;
  • the launch of the new MAiAwebsite and newsletter;
  • a new Statute;
  • 9 seminars (Alumni Open Lectures series)aimed at offering to MIREES students concrete perspectives from the practitioners' experience of leading MIREES alumni;
  • 3 MAiA sponsored Internshipsfor recent graduates;
  • promotional campaigns of the MIREES degree for the enrolment of new students in the 2021 - 2022 and 2022 - 2023 academic years;
  • the partnerships with online newspaper East Journal and with Istituto per l’Europa Centro Orientale e Balcanica (IECOB);
  • A capacity building project aimed at providing training and tutoring for the creation of the alumni network of the new Unibo MA in International Politics and Economics.

MAiA Organisational Chart:

MAiA Executive Board

Valentina Gilardoni, President 

Faris Mahmutović, Vice-President

Elsa Pacella, Treasurer

Caterina Ghobert, Secretary

Adriano Remiddi, Counsellor

Advisory Board

Valentina Gilardoni, Elsa Pacella, Faris Mahmutovic, Adriano Remiddi, Caterina Ghobert, Ilaria Zaggia, Myriam Marino, Daniela Viggiano, Francesca Carpinella, Greta Baccaro, Xhorxhina Molla, Demirel Bojaxhiu, Ana Harrington, Marzia Bona, Eugenia Pesci, Nicola Zordan, Angela Perissinotto, Sara Scardavilli, Natalia Scandurra,  Milan Milenković, Lara Otonicar, Claudia Pretto, Florinda Giacomelli, Giulia Pilia, Josipa Rizankoska, Irina Korovinskaya, Aleksandar Kostandinov.