Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in East european and eurasian studies


Specialist in the Eurasian area, sub-regions or countries (Central-Eastern Europe, Balkan Europe, Central Asia, Caucasus, Russia, ...)

The Area Specialist can perform multiple functions, according to the sector in which he is engaged (academic, private companies, think tanks, ...):

  • Studies, describes and interprets the origin, development and dynamics of political, economic, social and cultural transformations in the macro-region or in sub-regions or countries of the reference area.
  • Plans, directs and manages commercial and economic activities in this area (or aimed towards this area) with particular international relevance;
  • Coordinates and manages investment and production projects in this area (or aimed at this area) of international importance;
  • Operates in the field of cooperation and development with the countries of the area;
  • Works as a professional consultant for companies, economic organizations or institutions, specialized in the countries of the area;
  • Carries out market, sales and brokerage analyzes relating to the area of ​​interest;
  • Carries out think tank and analysis activities for specialized research centers relating to the area of ​​interest.
  • Carries out political evaluation and diplomatic mediation in government institutions in relation to the area of ​​interest.
  • Carries out research and academic teaching in the area of ​​expertise.
  • Develops scenarios
  • leads intercultural communication projects
  • Develops feasibility studies or elaborate assessments on the state of implementation of reforms or measures adopted in regions / countries of the area of ​​interest.
  • Report with in-depth knowledge of the area of ​​their competence.

Skylls required:

  • skills in politics, economics, history and culture of the political, economic and socio-cultural realities of the area of ​​interest;
  • language and communication skills;- intercultural mediation skills;
  • methodological research skills to carry out written and oral presentations;
  • Teaching and research skills, in case he undertakes an academic career.

Sectors of Employment:

  • Public and private third sector organizations with international interests and activities in the Eurasian space;
  • Study centers of banks, corporations, foundations, international economic organizations (World Bank, ECB, OECD, etc.);
  • Companies engaged in sales and investment companies;
  • Editorial activities and journalism for print, television and online newspapers;
  • Academy;
  • Think tanks, research institutes, foundations;
  • European Commission, European Parliament and other international institutions;
  • Regional and local ministries / institutions engaged in international activities;
  • national and international NGOs;
  • Newspapers, magazines, on-line portals specialized in the region.

Area mediator / expert in conflict resolution and diplomatic relations


The mediator / expert in the area in conflict resolution and diplomatic relations:

  • organizes conferences and meetings, professional networks, intercultural events.
  • operates in the field of human rights protection through monitoring, election observation, tutoring and reporting.
  • prepares and manages promotional programs and projects for the culture of peace, human rights and international solidarity.
  • develops programs for peaceful conflict resolution, disarmament and demobilization, economic reconstruction in deeply divided societies.
  • organizes security systems and advises on institution building processes.

Skills required:

  • skills in politics, economics, history and culture of the political, economic and socio-cultural realities of Central Eastern Europe and the Balkans and Eurasia.
  • language and communication skills.
  • skills in cultural mediation.
  • methodological research skills to carry out written and oral presentations.

Sectors of Employment:

Freelance employee or consultant for:

  • International institutions and bodies (OSCE, UN, UNDP, NATO, etc.);
  • Ministries and public institutions;
  • Private and public study / research centers, foundations;
  • National and international organizations, voluntary associations, and tertiary sector institutions;
  • Academic and non-academic journals and publications, publishing houses, online portals specialized in the academic field

Continuing to study

The MIREES degree gives access to third cycle studies (PHD Programmes/Specialisation Schools) or second level of Professional Master's Programmes.

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Corso di East European and Eurasian Studies - codice 5911
Professional profiles professional profile Specialist in Eurasia and itssub-regions and countries (Central-Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Central Area,Caucasus, Russia) Function in a professional context: Area… Read more