Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Medicine and Surgery


The students develop a comprehensive vision of Medicine’s potential by incorporating health promotion, disease prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation into their practice. The use of English language facilitates access to medical literature and international meetings. Graduates are able to communicate better with foreign patients, and to interact with colleagues from different countries.

  • Place of teaching Bologna
  • Language English
  • Degree Programme Class LM-41 - Medicine
  • Duration 6 anni
  • International programmes Delivered entirely in English
  • Type Qualifying programmes

Open day

Let us get to know each other better. When we can meet.

5 reasons to enrol on the degree programme

  1. The programme is delivered through a range of both innovative and traditional teaching methods, with a ‘problem solving’ approach.

  2. A focus on medical humanities to understand health and disease in the context of the individual, the family, and society.

  3. An integrated curriculum with a hands-on approach, including clinical clerkships starting right from Year 1.

  4. A problem-based learning approach to medicine that is multidisciplinary and patient-oriented.

  5. English as the language to access international exchanges and broaden postgraduate opportunities.

The course in numbers

Some data about the course. Go to the full page to learn more and read the opinions of those attending it.

  • 92% International students and students not residing in the region

  • 68% Graduates aligned to the exam schedule

  • 47% Graduates with experience abroad

  • 91% Graduates satisfied with their studies

  • ND Graduates who are working

  • ND Graduates who are not working but are studying or not looking for work

  • ND Graduates who are not working but looking for work

Course participants' experiences