Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Management

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Redesigning Management

Redesigning Management

Advanced skills to manage and transform businesses in a global and multicultural scenario.

  • Place of teaching Bologna
  • Language English
  • Degree Programme Class LM-77 - Management
  • Degree Programme Director Gabriele Pizzi
  • Type of access Restricted access - entrance exam
  • International programmes Delivered entirely in English
  • Department Management - DiSA
  • Learning activities Course structure diagram
  • State Programme will run only following the completion of the established ministerial procedure.

What to keep in mind

News, events, and notices for your studies


Weather Emergency: Provisions for Friday, March 14, 2025

The weather alert affects the entire Multicampus territory. Check the University closures.


International Academic Prize for Poetry and Contemporary Art ‘Apollo Dionisiaco"

Open to published and unpublished works of poetry and visual art, painting, sculpture, graphics and photography by writers and artists of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities. Deadline 5 June


Call "Marino Grimani 2024" 3 prizes for theses

3 prizes for theses of €2,000 each for 2024 graduates for the best dissertations on topics about the Chartered Accountancy profession. Deadline 15 March

Study grants and subsidies

Who it's for: Studio al primo anno, Studio dal secondo anno in poi

Bando Erasmus+ mobilità per tirocinio a.a. 2025/26

Deadline: 13 mag 2025, 13:00

Study grants and subsidies

Who it's for: Studio al primo anno, Studio dal secondo anno in poi, Ho una laurea

Bando di concorso per 4 assegni di tutorato da 300 ore presso APPC - Settore Comunicazione Ufficio Comunicazione digitale e Social media

Deadline: 19 mar 2025, 13:00

Student sitting on a bench reading

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