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Competition for prizes within the 2024 Safety Week

If you have developed a project applicable to health and safety protection in digital work, participate in the competition from 1 to 30 September. A prize of 1,500 euros is up for grabs.

2 awards for theses on the protection of the mountain environment

The CAI of Veneto announce 2 awards in memory of Fabio Favaretto, with a total value of 2000 euros, for theses on the use and protection of Alpine or Apennine mountain areas. Deadline 31 August 2024

1 award for a thesis on private listed buildings

The ADSI announces 1 award for a thesis of € 1500 on the preservation, maintenance and valorisation of private listed buildings. Deadline 2 August 2024

Awards for research theses on equal opportunities and gender issues

The Forum of Meritocracy announces the award "Valeria Soresin" divided into more awards of € 28,900 to promote reflections about participation of women in society. Deadline 31 July 2024.

Looking for a place to stay while studying at the university?

We know finding accommodation can be tough and time-consuming, but don’t get discouraged. Here are some tips.

PNRR PhD Scholarships - 2024 Call for Applications Open

If you already have a degree or will graduate by the end of October, you can choose your PhD program and apply by August 7.

Unibo for Refugees - scholarships

Ten scholarships are available for those who have already received an ER.GO, UNICORE, or CRUI scholarship for the academic year 2023/24. Deadline: 8 August.

Have you ever thought about becoming a Peer mentor?

150 paid hours per year, with flexible hours, to support students with Disabilities and SLD at the university. Apply for the call. Deadline: 1 August.

Linguistic Proficiency - Upcoming Exam Dates

From 12 August to 1 September, you can book your language proficiency exam on AlmaEsami. Find out when you can take it.

ER.GO (Regional Authority for the Right to Higher Education) study grants - the call for applications is online

The Region bears the cost of your academic studies. Submit your application for scholarships, accommodation, and other benefits.

AlmaCert call for applications - grant for international language certificates

Read the call and submit your application by 13 September.

1 award for a thesis on archaeological heritage and its valorisation in Italy

The University of Macerata offers 1 award of €1,500 for a thesis on the archaeological heritage and its valorisation in Italy. Deadline: 31 July 2024

9 awards for theses on the agri-food and forestry chain

Legacoop agri-food, together with other member companies, announces 9 awards of 2000€ for dissertations on innovation in agri-food and forestry supply chains. Deadline 31 July 2024

1 thesis award and 2 mentions in ethical finance

The Finanza Etica Foundation announces 1 "Antonio Genovesi" award of €2,500 and 2 mentions of €750 on ethical and alternative finance. Deadline 31 July 2024 at 13:00 hours

Calanchi Turrini award for theses on the themes and principles of cooperation

Legacoop Bologna with Fondazione Ivano Barberini and Fondazione Unipolis announces 1 award worth 3000€ for theses aimed at enhancing the cooperative culture. Deadline 15 September 2024

3 Degree awards about 'Protection of intellectual property'

Studio Torta awards 3 prizes worth 2000 € each for theses about protection and appreciation of intellectual property. Deadline 31 July 2024

Degree award about cooperation

Legacoop Bologna awards a prize of € 3000 entitled to Luciano Calanchi and Adriano Turrini for a Master's thesis promoting cooperative culture. Deadline 15 September 2024

International Talents @Unibo

Unibo awards 80 scholarships to deserving international students who wish to enrol in degree programmes in the a. y. 2024/25.


19 Jul 2024

Open Day - 2nd level Masters in preparation for the Diplomatic Competition

12:00 - 13:30

Online - Online

Discover how to prepare for the Italian Foreign Ministry's diplomatic competition!