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Doing Business: Instructions for Use

Join the 8-lesson introductory entrepreneurship course organized in collaboration with AlmaCube. Classes will begin on 25 March. Sign up by 21 March.

Published on 18 March 2024

Collegio Superiore: call for applications is online

Students who enrol may submit their applications to the Collegio Superiore. Deadline: 15 April.

Published on 11 March 2024

Degree award about accounting legislation and public finance

The Association of Magistrates of the Italian Court of Audit awards a prize worth € 1500 entitled to Fabio Viola for a thesis about accounting legislation and public finance. Deadline 19 April 2024

Published on 05 March 2024

Degree award about health economics

Clinica di Riabilitazione Toscana (CRT) and Gianfranco Salvini Foundation (FGS) award a scholarship worth € 2.500 entitled to Bruno Dei for a thesis about health economics. Deadline 31 May 2024

Published on 05 March 2024

2 Degree awards for graduates engaged in volunteering

Lions Club Rimini Host awards 2 prizes for graduates living in Rimini and its province who are engaged in volunteering and inclusive care activities. Deadline 20 April 2024

Published on 05 March 2024

3 Degree awards about 'Protection of intellectual property'

Studio Torta awards 3 prizes worth 2000 € each for theses about protection and appreciation of intellectual property. Deadline 31 July 2024

Published on 05 March 2024

Degree award about cooperation

Legacoop Bologna awards a prize of € 3000 entitled to Luciano Calanchi and Adriano Turrini for a Master's thesis promoting cooperative culture. Deadline 15 September 2024

Published on 05 March 2024

Call for applications 2023/24 for interventions in favour of students in difficulty

Take part in the call if you are studying at Unibo and are experiencing personal, family or economic hardship. Deadline: 25 March.

Published on 27 February 2024

Online pathway to prepare for the language test

If you have to take a language test the University Language Centre offers you the opportunity to access the self-study material and to be assisted by language tutors.

Published on 27 February 2024

Did you plan to graduate in the March session but need to postpone?

If you only have the final examination left and intend to graduate by 2024, you may qualify for a fee reduction. Discover how to obtain this benefit and check if you meet the requirements.

Published on 27 February 2024

Degree awards entitled to " Economia Marche – Journal of Applied Economics"

The Aristide Merloni Foundation offers 6 prizes worth 500 € each for theses about regional economy and local development, business and entrepreneurship and applied economics. Deadline 31 March 2024

Published on 22 February 2024

If you haven't done it yet, register now to our Virtual Fair-Master's! The event preview opens today

You can start visiting the virtual stands and check the programme of the events you are interested in.

Published on 21 February 2024