Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Management

Programme aims

The secondcycle degree/two year master in International Management aims to trainprofessional figures who, working in international contexts, have aninterdisciplinary and holistic understanding of business, in terms of creationas well as development and management. These figures shall be able to manageuncertainty and recognise change, possibly deriving from technological anddigital transformations, placing constant emphasis on sustainability and innovation.Using an interdisciplinary and highly practical approach to learning, theseprofessional figures acquire an integrated vision of the dynamics of businesscreation and management, from establishment to development.

Given the interdisciplinarynature of the professional figures trained, the main learning areascharacterising second cycle graduates in International Management are“Management”, “Economics and Statistics” and “Business”. In particular:

- learning activities in the“Management” area provide the knowledge and multidisciplinary competencesneeded by second cycle graduates to use a number of tools in internationalcontexts: from those used to strategically analyse competitive contexts tothose for business planning; from those used for new business start-ups withglobal ambitions to those used to manage organisational change. The commondenominator is the attention paid to the effects of digital transformation,innovation, sustainability and business ethics on internal and externalbusiness processes. The knowledge and specific competences of the design toolsused for business plans and the management of technological and organisationchanges in progress, with particular reference to digital transition,sustainability and business ethics, are found mainly in the learning activitiesin the Business field, relating to SSDs SECS-P/08 and SECS-P/09. Theseactivities area accompanied by corresponding and/or related laboratoryactivities, aiming to analyse concrete examples and cases;

- the learning activities in the“Economics-statistics” area provide knowledge of the main internationalmacro-economic principles and methods of data collection, analysis andmonitoring, using the competences acquired to resolve business problems. Theyalso provide the competences strictly linked to the application ofinternational capital budgeting and international finance models, making secondcycle graduates able to manage business risks and opportunities which may arisewhen working internationally. The command of economic-statistical andanalytical tools for the collection, monitoring and analysis of big datasupporting strategic business decisions is mainly provided in the Business,Economic and Statistical-Mathematical fields offered in SSDs SECS-P/08,SECS-P/01 and SECS-S/03, as well as laboratory activities;

- the learning activitiesrelating to the “Business” area provide knowledge of the main internationalaccounting principles and methodologies for measuring the effects of businessdecisions, international market regulations, society and new technologies aswell as the measurement and assessment of economic and social performance ofbusinesses, developing skills for the application of sustainable businessmanagement models without neglecting the methodologies for measuring theenvironmental impact of businesses. Finally, economic measuring andcoordination skills, and the consequent improvement of business resultsextending to individual performance and organisational business units. Thestudy of individual and business economic and social performance measurementand assessment methods provide second cycle graduates in InternationalManagement with the conceptual tools needed to implement strategic acquisition,merger and joint venture operations, as well as the sourcing of financialresources on international markets. These competences and knowledge aredeveloped mainly in the learning activities in the Legal and Business fields,with particular reference to the activities covered by SSDs IUS/05, SECS-P/07and SECS-P/09.

The teaching methods used in thesecond cycle degree/two year master in International Management include notonly typical lectures but also a set of activities and initiatives that areconsidered innovative in various aspects, including many laboratory activities,seminars, courses aiming specifically to develop soft-skills, group work, theuse of peer evaluation, case study methods and field study trips. Furthermore,the other experiences offered include the systematic involvement of testimonialsfrom the industrial world and extremely relevant initiatives for entry to thejob market, such as the mentoring platform and shadowing programme.