Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Management


Diagram of Italian University Degree System



The degree structure at the University of Bologna is based on the so-called Bologna Process. The most central aims of the Bologna Process include increased mobility, transparency of education systems, comparability of degrees and quality assurance at various levels.

  • 1st Cycle, the Laurea degree (180 credits/3 years = Bachelor's degree).
  • 2nd Cycle, the Laurea magistrale degree (120 credits/2 years = Master's degree).
  • 3rd Cycle, the Dottorato di Ricerca and the Diploma di Specializzazione (leading to a postgraduate degree = PhD and Specialisation degree).

The University of Bologna offers advanced scientific programs or higher continuing education studies (professional master's programs) open to the holders of a 1st cycle or 2nd cycle or comparable foreign degree.

Length: minimum 1 year
Workload: 60 credits at least

These qualifications are called Master universitario di primo or secondo livello and do not give access to the 3rd cycle in Italy.

Official description of the Italian degree system:

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Find out more about the Ministerial Single Annual Report (SUA-CdS - Single Annual Report on Degree Programmes)

Corso di International Management - codice 5891
Professional profiles professional profile CompanyDirector Function in aprofessional context: Company Directors must have anoverall vision of the dynamics of business creation and operation, fromfoundation to… Read more