Professional profiles
professional profile
Function in aprofessional context:
Company Directors must have anoverall vision of the dynamics of business creation and operation, fromfoundation to start-up. As such, they must have an interdisciplinary andholistic understanding of the company, and be able to manage the uncertainty thattypically characterises new businesses.
To train this figure, studentsare encouraged to leave their comfort zone, stimulating business mindsetsfocused on innovation and risk tolerance.
Company Directors are required toimagine business development processes from the first idea to itsimplementation, using analytical abilities and creativity. They work in aglobal scenario, both as regards the markets and how to obtain the requiredcapital. International guidance is today essential for creating competitivebusinesses with a high growth potential.
Company Directors:
- formulate a business projectbased on an innovative business idea;
- build tangible and intangibleresources around the idea;
- express leadership andpersuasive skills to attract talents if the initial capital is missing;
- holistically develop businessfunctions and their interdependence;
- develop the business modelunderlying a business project and test its sustainability;
- have team builder and talentscout skills;
- understand the governancedynamics of a start-up, starting from the establishment of the Board ofDirectors and Board of Advisors;
- understand the dynamics ofdilution following the entry of risk capital;
- understand investment selectioncriteria by risk capital holders (Angels, VCs, Accelerators, etc.);
- implement fundraisinginitiatives;
- inspire and cultivatehigh-performing teams, which in the light of today's technological/digitaltransformations can have highly diversified geographical and culturalconnotations (distributed teams);
- have a command of the maindigital business development tools supporting business creation anddevelopment.
Competenciesassociated to the function:
- Communication skills;
- The ability to make businesspitches;
- Systemic knowledge ofindividual functional business areas, with reference to their internationalvalue (i.e., global strategy, international marketing, cross culturalorganisational behaviour, international finance, international accounting);
- Understanding of the economic,organisational and strategic dynamics determining the success of new businessmodels;
- The ability to build and mapthe capitalization table of a new business, from the first capital injection tothe subsequent rounds;
- In the light of today'stechnological/digital transformations, understanding and management of newstrategic communication channels including social media marketing;
- Fluency in the Englishlanguage;
- Negotiating skills to beexploited internally in the work team (team building), and externally, withinterlocutors including clients, suppliers, investors and industrial partners;
- Procurement of tangible andintangible resources to achieve the objectives set, with emphasis onsustainability and innovation;
- Design and presentation ofinnovative business models on which to base a solid and original businessproject.
- Private businesses, includingself-promoted start-ups or participation in a start-up team;
- Private Venture Capital andPrivate Equity firms;
- Public concerns aiming tofacilitate and develop new business initiatives;
- Corporate businesses with openinnovation programmes aiming to foster innovation and change throughintrapreneurship initiatives.
InternationalBusiness Manager
Function in aprofessional context:
Inspired by leadershipprinciples, International Business Managers have an interdisciplinary approachaiming initially to identify and then foster the continuous transformationbusinesses have to govern.
Consequently, InternationalBusiness Managers:
- oversee the top management ofmono-businesses or diversified businesses,
- supervise individual functionalareas, including strategic analysis, sales and marketing, human resourcesmanagement, strategic control, using an international approach;
- inspire, coordinate andcultivate high-performing teams which, considering today'stechnological/digital transformations, may have highly differentiatedgeographical and cultural connotations;
- manage the multiculturality oftheir teams;
- recognise and manage, adoptingcommon procedures, the changes in the business arising fromtechnological/digital transformations, placing emphasis on sustainability andinnovation;
- understand, adopt and governthe technological/digital solutions triggered by innovation, assessing suitablemethods able to minimise any risks caused by their adoption;
- have transferable problemsolving skills.
Competenciesassociated to the function:
- Oversee the management ofinternational businesses, at individual functional area level (strategicanalysis, sales and marketing, human resources and strategic control), and atbusiness system level;
- Knowledge, competences andspecialist skills in economics and management - with particular reference tothe issues of international finance, global strategy, international marketing,international accounting - needed to manage international businesses andunderstand the mechanisms governing the related reference markets;
- Fluency in the Englishlanguage;
- Negotiating skills usedinternally for the work group (team building) and externally, withinterlocutors including clients, suppliers, trade unions, trade associations,public or private bodies and institutions;
- Management and resolution ofconflicts and time schedules;
- Knowledge and application ofresource sourcing techniques to achieve the assigned objectives, withparticular attention to sustainability and innovation
- Management of multiculturality,to work profitably in differentiated contexts, putting into play relationalskills;
- Ability to analyse the referredeconomic context to help the business anticipate and/or adopt today'stechnological and social changes;
- Ability to make effectivepresentations in public to promote ideas and propose lines of action.
- International industrial andservices businesses of different sizes;
- International businesses with astrong lean for innovation;
- New businesses working in thetechnological, digital and services fields which by nature are of an internationaldimension.
Internationalbusiness consultant
Function in aprofessional context:
International businessconsultants have high skills and specialisation in the areas of internationalbusiness or those with a strong lean to internationalisation.
Consequently, Internationalbusiness consultants:
- analyse business strategies toguarantee the medium and long-term planning of the business to foster theachievement of the set objectives;
- analyse the internalorganization of the business, proposing appropriate solutions for the businessprofile and the context in which it works;
- propose strategies to enhanceand characterise the product in relation to the various international referencemarkets.
The roles held in mainlyinternational contexts are initially those of junior consultant in consultingfirms with a purely international dimension. These roles may then develop intoroles with greater responsibility and reach senior or partner positions.
Competenciesassociated to the function:
- Knowledge of domestic orinternational markets in the various business sectors;
- Knowledge of internal businessdevelopment mechanisms;
- Fluency in the Englishlanguage;
- Negotiating skills usedinternally for the work group (team building) and externally, withinterlocutors including clients, suppliers, trade unions, trade associations,public or private bodies and institutions;
- Management and resolution ofconflicts and time schedules;
- Sourcing of the resourcesneeded to achieve the set objectives;
- Management of multiculturality,to work profitably in differentiated contexts;
- Application of techniques forforecasting and developing the business to cope with social and technologicalchanges coming from outside, also through self-learning and lifelong learningtechniques;
- Flexibility and the ability toadapt to change.
- Ability to make effectivereports and presentations in public to promote ideas and propose lines ofaction
Medium- and large-sizedconsulting firms, today all working in international operations.
Continuing to study
It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.