Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Horticultural Science


Students will experience multidisciplinary training and research-led teaching in subjects covering the main aspects of horticultural production and the supply chain. The programme will benefit from the collaboration with the horticultural industry.

Open day

Let us get to know each other better. When we can meet.

5 reasons to enrol on the degree programme

  1. Thanks to an international, multicultural environment, students are trained to become globally-employable experts

  2. Multidisciplinary and international courses to train highly-skilled professionals

  3. From the first year, students are in touch with the main players in the field

  4. This degree programme is taught entirely in English, with classes held both in Bologna and Bolzano

  5. Course graduates will earn a double degree with a foreign university

The course in numbers

Some data about the course. Go to the full page to learn more and read the opinions of those attending it.

  • 72% International students and students not residing in the region

  • 86% Graduates aligned to the exam schedule

  • 61% Graduates with experience abroad

  • 100% Graduates satisfied with their studies

  • 69% Graduates who are working

  • 0% Graduates who are not working but are studying or not looking for work

  • ND Graduates who are not working but looking for work

Course participants' experiences